
How can we help you to protect our most precious resource?

South Africa, as the rest of the world, is becoming increasingly more aware of the need to protect our environment. Fortunately, numerous water and wastewater treatment processes exist specifically for this reason. There is however an enormous amount of pressure on the owners of water purification and sewage treatment works to ensure that the plants are operated and maintained at the highest possible standards to ensure its sustainable existence. This is where Enviro Metsi wishes to be of assistance.

What we do

Blue Drop/Green Drop Assistance

Blue Drop/Green Drop Assistance

The Department, as custodian of South Africa's water resources, is aiming to ensure the sustainability of South Africa's water resources by focussing on an incentive-based approach where the performance of water purif ...

Process Monitoring and Reporting

Process Monitoring and Reporting

With the ever-increasing focus on Water Resource Management it is becoming increasingly more important to ensure that the performance of every plant is properly gauged. One of the best ways of ensuring that this is do ...

Operation & Maintenance of Works

Operation & Maintenance of Works

Why do water purification and wastewater treatment processes struggle to live up to their design capacity? In many cases, the answer lays in the operation and maintenance of these treatment plants. Municipal ServicesW ...

Plant Management

Plant Management

With all the legislative requirements from the Department of Water and Sanitation, the need to effectively manage a water purification or wastewater treatment system cannot be over-emphasized. Enviro Metsi can provid ...



Training is a powerful means of promoting the development of an organization and the individual potential of its employees. By teaching personnel the principles of occupational health and safety aspects, operating proced ...


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Our friendly and professional representatives can't wait for you to get in touch. Please feel free to contact us now!